Volume 8

~ News From "Your Birthing Family" ~

Issue 10





Charis Around the World

Tidbits From Ebony
by Elizabeth Carmichael

Dear Charis Family,

I have held SO many babies this month!!  What a treat!  I always think it is hilarious and such a blessing to be visiting in a women's community development group and suddenly have an infant thrust into my arms. :-)  I have been ALL OVER the country this month, and am about to go back on the road again in a few days.  From the far reaches of South Ebony to waaaaaayyyy up in the mountains in the East, God is at work.  He sees ALL of the women of this place who are hidden behind veils and walls.  In some groups I visited, 100% of women had NO CLUE what kinds of food a pregnant woman should eat.  No idea what to do for a child who isn't breathing, besides bury them.  No hope for a woman who bleeds too much after delivery.  Even with recent positive reports in the international development sector, this land has a long way to go before women of every village know what their lives are worth, and how they can fight for health and hope in pregnancy and childbirth.  I feel incredibly honored to be among them, to speak their language, and to be able to teach them all I have learned and am still learning.

Tomorrow is the preparation day entering into a holiday week for nearly two billion people around the world.  As they remember a sacrifice provided by God to one of His children (their version of the story is a bit different, but the main point can still be realized through it), I would like to ask you to remember them before His throne.

Below, I have shared with you a poem written Anonymously by a young woman in this part of the world.  It is a devastating poem, but FULL of the realities I hear about and see every day here.  You might not like the poem.  You might not like that I shared it with you.  But, I think it is amazing! The bravery and articulation this woman has to explain how she is feeling--it is powerful and it is a GIFT to all of us.  May God answer her pleas! Women of this region are in such pain and they simultaneously cry out to God for mercy, yet also don't believe He loves or will answer them with any goodness in His heart.

Would you commit to pray daily, or even just weekly, for the women of this land?  Would you pray that God would "please come to their house"????

Elizabeth Carmichael

God! If you were a woman
An Afghan woman
You would be sorry
Why did you create women?
Why did you create women?

When a mother gives birth to a baby girl
She receives warnings instead of rewards
“Shame on you!
Again it is a daughter!
Again this doctor has delivered a daughter!”

What would you do if you were this mother?
What would you do if you were me?
If like me you worked day and night
Washing the clothes of 25 family members
Cooking dinner for my husband’s guests
If like me you ate smoke
If like me you ate tears
What would you think of a woman’s heart?

In the hot summer afternoons
When my husband sleeps in the shadow of the trees
I am still hungry
I am not done with my housework
I have a baby on my shoulder
I am eight months pregnant
My four-year-old is dead from fever
My husband is under the tree
Daydreaming of the money he will make
Selling my little 13-year-old Marwa,
Mariam for more, because she can knit carpets

God! If you were me
How would you feel?
How could you help a helpless mother?
God! It is you who gave them power
It is you who call them Sir!

For my choices they cut my nose
If I hear anything they cut my ears

Men use me as clothes
Something that gives them joy
No matter how I feel
No matter if I am ready or not

They love to play with a 12-year-old bride
They touch me
They hurt me
My father and my brother sell my pride
To a 70-year-old man
My price is thousands of dollars
My tears cost nothing

God! Please come to my house
Come to Afghanistan and see
The scars in my body
My blue eyes
My cut nails
My ironed body
I am covered in my burqa
I am covered with pains

God! You said in the Quran
You are the God of justice
Who can judge you God?
If you were an Afghan woman
You would be sorry.
You would be sorry
You created me a woman
Am I not a human?

God! Who can remove my pain?
Who can heal my scars but you?
Who can hear me but you?
God! I swear
Until you stop this injustice against women
I won’t hold my hands to pray again

I won’t touch your Quran
I won’t call you God
I won’t call you God

By Anonymous

Our International Charis Family
Your stories from around the world touch us and we pray for your safety.
Thanks, Love and Blessings to every one of you!

'Behold, I will bring them from the north country, And gather them from the ends of the earth,
 Among  them the blind and the lame, The woman with child and The one who labors with child,  together,
 A great throng shall return there...And My people shall be satisfied with My goodness, says the LORD.'
 Jeremiah 31:8, 14
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October 2013