Volume 7

~ News From "Your Birthing Family" ~

Issue 10





Charis Around the World

Tidbits From Ebony
by Elizabeth Carmichael


Greetings from Ebony!  I finally returned after a nine month furlough, and I've hit the ground running.  During my time in the States, I had the honor of taking one of my dearest friends and her husband through a whole childbirth education series for their first pregnancy.

Unfortunately, however, as I boarded the plane to Ebony I learned she was being sent back for an unplanned cesarean.  She was a high risk pregnancy as she has Type I diabetes, but she desperately wanted to have a natural birth.  The baby was determined to be in distress, however, and they brought him out at 37 weeks.  He has been in and out of NICU with some breathing difficulties, so I know this has been an emotional roller coaster for my friend.

The thought occurred to me, How can I encourage a woman who wanted a natural birth and just had a cesarean instead??  I must confess, some of these statements are not originally from me.  I'm indebted to others who gave me advice about what to say.

I'm not submitting this as some sort of expert on what to say in times like these, but I just wanted to share the journey with you.  :-)

Here is my letter to Ruth:

Dear Ruth,

Hey, gorgeous one.  If you ever get the chance or even WANT to at all, I would love to Skype or just hear from you, or be able to call you or something.  I absolutely don't NEED to for MY sake, but if you have space and capacity for that, do let me know.  I would love to just listen to your heart and hear about what happened and how Evan and you and Jim are doing.  If you want to ever write that out, or even just one sentence prayer requests, please know I will receive them and faithfully pray.

Of course there is TONS to say and I'm sure your life right now is FULL of Evan and greetings from others and learning to breastfeed and processing what happened, and trying to get recovered enough to go home, and still control blood sugars, and all of those things.  I AM PRAYING FOR YOU and our GOD IS WITH YOU.  Don't you give into the thought that you are alone in this battle to care for your body and Evan's.  The One who formed your body is working in you and giving you the will to do what is required.

Reading about and talking with other people who have had cesareans when they didn't want to really moves me.  For so many women, it can feel like a failure and, at the very least, just a huge disappointment.  I imagine you've faced some of that disappointment in recent days, but mixed also with the awesomeness of having Evan in your arms.

How is that feeling?  Do the negative feelings become muted in the face of the great feelings of being with Evan face to face, seeing Jim hold him, etc??  Or, is it still pretty mixed up in your heart?

I hope you're feeling like you are able to connect really well with Evan, but it is a reality that the hormones of labor didn't rush through you like they could have, so I am praying that God gives you wisdom and grace to "go through the motions" of bonding even if/when you don't feel a hormonal urge....that you'll spend long hours looking him in the eyes and face, that you will feel his little body and massage him, that you will whisper to him cheek to cheek and let him feel your heart beat and breathing, that you will declare the Lord's promises over him, sing to him and talk constantly to him as you have been.

I'm also believing that, by His grace, you don't even have to miss any of that bonding and feeling that comes with natural birth!  He is able to do exceedingly beyond what we ask or imagine!

Some women, when they have cesareans, feel like they didn't even give birth to their baby....like the baby was just cut out of them.  As midwives or professionals who work in natural childbirth circles, this can sometimes be the language we use about it as well.  And, just by the very fact that your body is the source of the diabetes that may or may not have led to this....I just wonder if it adds to a feeling of guilt, failure, or of being robbed...or some combination of all of it.  I don't want to add to your negative thoughts or feelings, or say you SHOULD be feeling ANY of these things.  If you aren't, YAY!  Live in freedom!!  But, if you have twinges of any of this, I don't want it to remain unsaid and hidden. Because the words failure, guilt, fault, "didn't give birth," was robbed of God's best or any other phrase or term like these that are going through your head are lies, sweet friend.  They are just plain lies.

Giving birth to a child means growing, providing for, and bringing a child into this world despite the way they are brought in...natural or not.  Your baby will NOT treat you differently because of the way he came into the world!  You are his mama and you have done your first job....now you have the rest of your life to complete it, in partnership with Jim!  (I know he wishes I had said "in submission to Jim.")  ;-)

My prayer is that if you feel sad about it in days to come, you and Jim will be able to talk it out, giving grace and patience to yourselves as you cling to Jesus.  I pray you will be thankful for the medical services available and the committed care givers who wanted to see healthy Baby and Mama at the end of the day!  Even in that, I am also praying that the sense of surprise and trauma of it all will be re- djusted to God's view.  Just as ever, GOD was not anxious, was not tense or in a hurry, was not disappointed in you OR in the events He already foresaw for Evan's birth.  He knew every detail of what was happening and was involved and holding you all in each second.

I pray it won't be long before you realize this outcome wasn't your fault and there was nothing more you could have done to prepare for or prevent it.  You know there is always the chance for a VBAC for future children and, REGARDLESS, God is good, He loves you immensely, and He is NOT withholding any good thing from you.  He who did not even spare His own Son is graciously, along with Him, giving you ALL things you need and working every circumstances together for your good and the good of others who love Him and love you as well (Rom 8).

You are His precious treasure, the apple of His eye, just like Evan is to you now.....even MORE so!  Can you even fathom that????  Unbelievable!  Lean into His chest, sweet friend.  CALL ON HIS NAME to help you, hold you, calm you, give you understanding and mold you into all that Evan needs to thrive.  REST in Him when serving Evan, recovering from surgery, greeting guests, and processing these events gets the best of you......EMBRACE the rest He offers as He gently steers your heart with His easy yoke and His light burden.

Sweet Jesus, in the week ahead, I pray you would take Ruth and Jim on a journey through the birth of their son, remembering the moments and the emotional ups and downs.  I pray you would walk them through, and that THEY would give you the space in their minds and hearts to do this, so that you can speak to them about YOUR perspective on those moments and those events.  I know you have things to say, Jesus, because you were there.  You were, as always, holding everything together even in those moments.  And Jim and Ruth were surrendered to you.  They were at your mercy.  And, your mercy did not disappoint them although it may feel that way.  Please speak to them, Jesus, and show them how to rejoice, not only in Evan, of COURSE!, but also in the journey that led to sweet Evan's arrival in their arms.  Lord, let your promises and presence be the light to their path right now, that moment by moment they would know how to love and serve each other and Evan.  Give them the grace to gain YOU more and more as they must entrust Evan to you, not clinging to him as a possession, but as a reward and a gift you have given as a stewardship.  Give them GREAT DELIGHT in this beautiful son, Lord, and help them taste YOUR delight in all three of them!!

I believe in you guys!!!!  I love you.  I am praying.  I miss you so much.

** Finally, just a note to say that they are all safely home from the hospital and doing very well.


Our International Charis Family
Your stories from around the world touch us and we pray for your safety.
Thanks, Love and Blessings to every one of you!

'Behold, I will bring them from the north country, And gather them from the ends of the earth,
 Among  them the blind and the lame, The woman with child and The one who labors with child,  together,
 A great throng shall return there...And My people shall be satisfied with My goodness, says the LORD.'
 Jeremiah 31:8, 14
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October 2012