Volume 12

~ News From "Your Birthing Family" ~

Issue 4

Charis Gathering

Was held July 27th - July 29th, 2017
At the Eastover Retreat Center Manor House in Spring Grove, Virginia

What a blessed and educational time we had at the Charis Gathering!   Current students and graduates, coaches and midwives have known each other for years through coaching and peer partnerships but some have never met face-to-face prior to this gathering. Many hugs and smiles as we dined together, walked together, prayed together and discussed many topics related to birth and babies during this time of fellowship. Very thankful for Bethany Stricker who organized this special time together! Read on and enjoy little bits of our few days together.

Rose Schuchmann, Kristin Schuchmann, Mary Ann Stoltzfus,
Annaiah Walker,
Bethany Stricker, Madeline French and Susan Oshel
Not pictured: Lisa Kreinbrook, Casey Medrano and Christi Jones

Midwives at the gathering:
Kristin Schuchmann, Bethany Stricker and Susan Oshel

We each brought a bounty of culinary delights to fill the kitchen and supped together.
Of course, the best part of our daily food was the wonderful conversation.

Relaxing moments playing games and pondering birth!


Susan Oshel and Lisa Kreinbrook

I still smile when I think about the Charis gathering.  I was able to meet my coach, Susan Oshel, who I have known for 5 years without meeting in real life.  And my peer partner Bethany Stricker, who I’ve known for at least 4, without having met.  It was an honor to meet them both in real life, but I really already knew them both, so it just deepened my love for them.  And the other women, such an honor to be in each other’s presence.  All on different journeys, all at different times within their Charis journey, but all with the same heart.  The heart for Christ, the heart for women, the heart for birth.  The teaching was so wonderful, on breech, shoulder dystocia, placentas, and nutrition.  And speaking of the future of Charis was so exciting.  To all of the women who were there, it was an honor to be with you, and I will cherish that time forever. 

~Lisa Kreinbrook, Charis Certified Doula, Childbirth Educator, Lactation Counselor and Midwifery Academics graduate

Midwives Susan Oshel, Bethany Stricker and Kristin Schuchmann
demonstrating methods to birth a baby with stuck shoulders.
Madeline French did a fantastic job playing the mother who was giving birth!

Annaiah Walker and Madeline French

The Charis gathering was so uplifting, encouraging, and educational. I loved the close-knit feel, and that we all had opportunities to get to know each other better. It was a much-needed break that left me feeling incredibly refreshed. If there is another of these gatherings I will definitely do my best to be there!

~Annaiah Walker, Charis Doula student

Kristin Schuchmann and Mary Ann Stoltzfus

Our time together at the Charis reunion was such a treat! Being with sisters in the Lord was refreshing and rejuvenating. Our times of learning and just sharing life was so encouraging and I came away feeling like I don't need to reinvent the wheel. Kristin Schuchmann's vision is already strong and enough and we can hook up with her vision and bring change and hope to the birth world in our country and throughout the world! I'm looking forward to more times together. Thank you, Bethany Stricker, for making it happen.

~Mary Ann Stoltzfus, Charis Certified Doula and Childbirth Educator

Rose Schuchmann and Susan Oshel

I'm a new Charis student and was thrilled to attend the Virginia Gathering. Being there with midwives, I was able to expand my knowledge of breech and shoulder dystocia births. Birth is truly an art form! I only wish I could've stayed longer, but I was called to a birth- for more hands on training!

~Casey Medrano, Charis Doula and Lactation Counselor student


Susan Oshel teaching steps to safely birth a breech baby.
Once again, Madeline French is the mommy giving birth to her breech baby, she's a natural!

The Charis Gathering was a tremendous blessing to me. Getting to meet some of the ladies I have talked with via phone and email for the last few years was truly a joy! These ladies are a continual inspiration and encouragement to me and spending hours on end talking with them was wonderful. Susan Oshel and Kristin Schuchmann enriched our time together by sharing stories from their years of being midwives. They also taught on shoulder dystocia, breech birth, placentas, and nutrition. Both of these dear midwives have been blessed with a great depth of knowledge and experience and it was a joy to learn from them. The time of fellowship and relaxation was a huge blessing to me. It was an encouragement to hear how the Lord is using each of these ladies in their communities. The setting of the retreat center was beautiful and a wonderful getaway spot. I want to give a special thank you to Bethany Stricker for all she did to plan and set up this event. She went out of her way to make it special for everyone. I think every woman in attendance left feeling refreshed and ready to return to their families and callings with renewed energy. I hope this becomes an annual event and that more members of our Charis family will be able to come in the future!

~Madeline French, Charis Doula and Childbirth Educator student

Lisa Kreinbrook and Bethany Stricker

The Gathering was such a joy for me to attend. Lisa Kreinbrook and I had talked for years as peer partners and we dreamed about meeting in person after we finished midwifery school. To give her a hug for the first time after so many years of knowing each other was so surreal. It felt like we had known each other for forever! I felt so spoiled to also be in a beautiful, relaxing setting with such a great group of encouraging, successful women. We were all really here in one place? It was hard to believe! As I'm sure anyone can imagine, the gathering included so many wonderful discussions, often late into the night. From business skills, to practical information on nutrition and complicated births, to avoiding burn out as birth workers, it was a wonderful weekend and went by way too fast. We didn't get to talk about nearly everything we wanted to! I hope we can do this kind of relaxing, informal get together in the future. I was reminded how much we all need each other as a Charis 'family' during the gathering. The kind of encouragement we give each other is centering but also propels us forward as birth workers and in our relationship with Christ!

~Bethany Stricker, CPM, LM, Charis Certified Doula and Childbirth Educator and "almost graduated" Midwifery student

Kristin schuchmann, Susan Oshel and Christi Jones

We were thrilled to have Christi Jones spend a few hours with us Friday afternoon / evening!
Christi is one of our awesome coaches.

The Gathering was such a wonderfully rich time of fellowship and learning! I was able to get to know and deepen relationships with my Charis sisters and sit at the feet of our mentors Kristin and Susan! The learning that took place even through informal conversation was simply priceless. We spoke about business and branding and placentas and nutrition. We also vision casted what the Lord has in store for Charis. I didn't want to leave! Most of all I was impacted with the beautiful Godly spirits of the women God has placed in the Charis family to do this important work and be His hands and feet! To say we are blessed to be a part of this organization would be an understatement, but I am forever grateful to the Lord for allowing me to take part in this gathering!

~Christi Jones, Charis Certified Childbirth Educator, Doula and coach


'Behold, I will bring them from the north country, And gather them from the ends of the earth,
 Among  them the blind and the lame, The woman with child and The one who labors with child,  together,
 A great throng shall return there...And My people shall be satisfied with My goodness, says the LORD.'
 Jeremiah 31:8, 14~~~
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August 2017