Volume 7

~ News From "Your Birthing Family" ~

Issue 5





About Babies and Children

Ear Infections
by Dr. Kristin Joseph

Little Liam, Tara Thessen's youngest son

The Sound You Fear the Most...

and the Simple Step You Can Take to Eliminate the Problem Once and For All For Your Child

A piercing scream wakes you up in the middle the night.  You throw off the covers and run into your baby’s room with fear welling up inside of you.  Unfortunately, this is not the first time this has happened...oh no... your sweet, innocent child has been suffering from frequent ear infections for months on end now.

You know (or at least think) that you are doing the best you can.  You are following all of the recommendations that your pediatrician has given you, hoping that this time it will be the last of the ear infections.  You’ve tried OTC pain relievers, ear drops, and MANY rounds of antibiotics.  What else is there to do?

I know first hand how worrisome it can be for moms and dads to feel like they can do nothing to help their child's ear infections.  I also know how exhausting, time consuming and mentally draining it can be to have a child that does not feel well and is up throughout the night.  As a mom of a beautiful 13 month old little boy, I know our job as parents is to love, protect, and shield them from pain.  But we feel lost and hopeless when we can’t find a solution to their pain or aliments.

Most parents bring their children to our office as a last resort.  They have tried EVERYTHING for their child to stop the cycle of ear infections.  They heard from a friend who heard from a friend that chiropractic can help ear infections.

In our office we explain to the parents that as a chiropractor we work with the spine to optimize the health and function of the nerve system.  The nerve system controls and coordinates all functions in the body.  What this means is that in order for your heart to beat, lungs to breath, your ears to hear and eyes to see, messages must first travel from your brain and go to your body (organs, muscles and tissues) and then the body must send the signals back up to the brain.  It sends these signals through a complex meshwork of small cables called the spinal cord and nerves.  The brain, spinal and nerves are so delicate, that they are the only things in the body encased in bone.  Those bones are called the skull and spine.  So picture this; your nerve system is so delicate that it only takes about 10g, or the weight of a dime, to stop nerve transmission by 60%!  Your spine is the only thing that protects your nerves from the everyday wear, tear and abuse that we give it, especially children.

So when one of these bones in the spine misalign it is termed a subluxation.  The bone then puts pressure on the spinal nerve slowing or stopping nerve transmission to its respective organ, muscle or tissue.  Parents often will ask how the spine can affect the ears.  We show them a nerve chart and a spine that illustrates that the nerves from the cervical (neck) region go directly to the ears.  If there is pressure on the nerve due to the bone moving out of the normal position (subluxation), there can be an effect, and the effect can be a problem with the ears, often times otitis media.

We explain to parents that subluxations occur in children for many reasons.  The largest being the birthing process, others include learning to roll over, crawling, walking, childhood sports, and all of the tumbles in between.  Subluxations interfere with the nerve systems ability to transmit impulses or signals that tell the body when, where, and how to heal.

In our practice it brings us joy and honor to serve the community and take care of little newborns, wiggly toddlers, pregnant mommies, proud moms and dads, grandparents, and even great grandparents!  We have been able to help many children with colic, colds, asthma, ADD, headaches, breech presentation babies and ear infections, such as little Kailah!  Here is her story told by her mom:

“My daughter, Kailah, was born pulling her ears.  Really- right after she was born she was pulling them and the nurses were making her stop!  I have always asked her pediatrician to check them as I thought something might not be quite right with them.  The Doctor always checked them and assured me that everything was ok with them.  Well one day when she was around 10 months old she started getting ear infections.  They started minor, but soon ended up needing to go to the ER, then to the pediatrician to receive a round of antibiotics.  I gave her the medicine as instructed and the fever went away, but she still pulled on her ears and acted irritable.  Several people at my church take their children to see Dr. Joseph, a chiropractor.  I thought they were just for back problems, but after listening to their stories wanted the best for my child too!  I thought I'd check it out.  I really didn't want to give her another round of antibiotics.

When my husband and I entered we were so impressed!  It is so pretty and high tech even!  Everyone scans their own card and there is a computer screen that gives you any needed information.  They even have an exercise room for adults!  I was wondering how Dr. Joseph would adjust her because she's so squirmy!  When Dr. Joseph first touched the area behind her ears she winced and let out a little cry. After adjusting her, which probably took about 2 minutes, Dr. Joseph touched that same area behind her ear with pressure this time she did not care!  After that she has NEVER pulled on her ears!  Her whole attitude has changed and is a much happier baby!  Family and friends have all noticed how well behaved she is now!  After this experience I have a whole new perspective on chiropractics!  I think everyone should go!”

Ear infections are one of the most common reasons that a child is brought to the pediatrician.  Ear infections, or otitis media (inflammation of the middle ear) have many causes and most respond very favorably to gentle chiropractic.  You may still have a few questions that remain unclear.  If that is the case, please go to the ICPA website.  If you decide to use a chiropractor, make sure they are qualified to adjust a child.  You can do a search on the above webpage.

For further questions, you may contact Dr. Kristin Joseph at 941-473-7900.   If you live in Englewood, Florida or the surrounding areas, you can also make an appointment to seek care with Joseph Family Chiropractic where Dr. Kristin and her husband, Dr. Jeremiah, and two other doctors are dedicated to helping you achieve your wellness objectives -- combining skill and expertise that spans the entire chiropractic wellness spectrum.

Dr. Kristin has obtained her fellowship in Pediatrics
and has seen thousands of children get well through gentle chiropractic adjustments.

Kristin Schuchmann was honored to be Dr. Kristin's doula for the birth of her precious son 13 months ago
and enjoys recommending her clients to the Joseph Family Chiropractic Clinic where they report such wonderful care!
Thank you Dr. Kristin, for sharing your wisdom with our large Charis family!

'Behold, I will bring them from the north country, And gather them from the ends of the earth,
 Among  them the blind and the lame, The woman with child and The one who labors with child,  together,
 A great throng shall return there...And My people shall be satisfied with My goodness, says the LORD.'
 Jeremiah 31:8, 14
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May 2012