Volume 10

~ News From "Your Birthing Family" ~

Issue 11





Charis "Labor Support" Workshop

Was held Saturday, October 3, 2015
At LifeSong Midwifery in North Port, Florida

Back Row: Hannah Price, Morgan Mitchell, Denae Mulder, Emily Unruh,
Zipporah Walker, Annaiah Walker,Misty Coffey, Jaime Goulet, Mary Ann Stoltzfus
Front Row: McKenna Smith, Wendy Walker, Lisa Kreinbrook, Kristin Schuchmann, Dawn Davis, Emily Palisano

What a blessed and educational time we all had at the Charis “Labor Support” Workshop!   The ladies who attended can't wait to put into practice all that they learned!  Birth professionals, students and others gathered at LifeSong Midwifery in North Port, Florida, improving their abilities to support laboring women with excellence. The day was filled with interactive, hands-on, fun, and interesting activities taught from a Christian perspective, giving God the glory for His marvelous creation and how He so wonderfully created women to bear children.

We made new friends and became more skilled in knowing how and when to use many techniques to bring a woman comfort during each phase of labor, understanding the science behind why the comfort measures work, creating an environment conducive to the natural progression of labor, recognizing when a woman is beginning to panic and helping her regain control, gently encouraging a woman to effectively push out her baby while taking advantage of the natural physiology of second stage, assisting a woman in breastfeeding for the very first time, and so much more.

In addition to the valuable skills acquired at the workshop, we also took home a beautiful “labor support bag” filled with an assortment of tools to help successfully support, serve, and bring comfort to future clients as they labor.

Friday evening sunset stroll on the beach after dinner
at Café Evergreen in Nokomis, FL.
Everyone looking forward to a
good night's rest in preparation for a full day of learning adventure

Bright and early Saturday morning, enjoying breakfast!

Our director, Kristin Schuchmann opening the workshop.

good conversation

I learned how creating a relaxed environment helps mammas through stress, how to "relax on purpose".  Also the art of addressing fear - talking through it - praying through it - encouragement - painting "new" pictures in the mind is powerful! I have a better understanding of laboring, pushing and delivery and how to best support a new mamma.

~Dawn Davis, Biblical Counselor

practicing effective hip squeezes


Although this is the second time I have attended this workshop, I re-learned that the ring of fire is actually a good thing!  It is an encouragement to birthing mammas when they feel it, can help them slow down so they don't tear.  The benefits of Arnica was also good to learn more about.

Mary Ann Stoltzfus, Charis Certified CE/Doula

Lots of wisdom shared!

I went home having learned great techniques with the Rebozo and also many ways to relieve back labor.  I'll use all this new information to help future clients.

~Misty Coffey, Charis CE/Doula/LC student


This workshop was awesome! It was great learning some hands-on techniques that will help me serve women better.  The interaction in the workshop was fun and such a pleasure getting to know other Charis students!

~Hannah Price, EMT, Charis Doula student and birth assistant

Kristin demonstrating how to use a Rebozo to hang.
She feels the powerful pelvis-opening effect while practicing!


learning Rebozo techniques


Although this isn't my first workshop, I learned a lot!  Kristin Schuchmann is a marvelous teacher and engages us with a variety of learning techniques!

~Lisa Kreinbrook, Certified Charis CE/Doula/LC and Midwifery student

Kristin demonstrated many uses for the Rebozo.

I learned wonderful, hands-on techniques to support a laboring mom.  I gained a bunch of new tools and skills that will help me minister well to pregnant women and their families!  I am better equipped to know when and how to serve a woman in labor!

~Denae Mulder, Charis CE/Doula/LC student


Today's workshop left me extremely prepared for future clients. The knowledge and skills provided exceeded my expectations to the fullest. I especially enjoyed learning how to "re-center" and connect with a laboring mamma who has lost her focus. The eye connection, whispering her name and repeating encouraging words is wonderful. Every bit of information given today was valuable! I also enjoyed working with the Rebozo as I had never used one before. Kristin Schuchmann is truly a gem to the community she servers!

~Jaime Goulet, Charis CE/Doula/LC student

Enjoying our activities.

I loved the discussion time and sweet fellowship at lunch. My favorite portions of the teaching were those that provided practical techniques for bringing emotional and physical peace to the mom. All the personal stories and hands-on activities were most helpful. I look very forward to using all these tools and knowledge to assist women in the miracle of birth!

~McKenna Smith, Charis CE/Doula student

Our chef served butternut squash soup and yamoli sandwiches for lunch.
Enjoying the food and company as we got to know each other better during our midday break.

Practicing the Gate Theory
We were each a part of the process: sensory fibers, receptors,
electrochemical impulses,  instinctive and rational responses and stimulus passing between us.


I loved listening to experienced doulas and midwives share stories and hearts about being inter-connected in the birth community, revealing a level of trust and beauty from those who care and work as a team.  I want to see that grow everywhere! Learning that squatting isn't as good during early labor was helpful by understanding the anatomy and timing.  Thank you for covering the contraindications of epidurals. Kristin Schuchmann, thank you for all the loving, encouraging and real words you shared today about birth, and even more for the Light of Jesus you eagerly gave in that. I am inspired greatly by you and all the beautiful women who want to serve, honor and bless God by serving families in pregnancy and childbirth.

~Zipporah Walker, Charis CE/Doula/LC student


Learning how and why comfort measures work to provide relief was so informative and interesting. I've also wanted to learn how to use the Rebozo and am excited to put into practice what I learned! Communicating respectfully, professionally and kindly with birthing families, other doulas, midwives and hospital staff was wonderful to cover during this workshop and is going to be HUGE for me. It is often messed up so badly by many doulas. Knowing how to help a mamma visualize and regain control gives me confidence for going into difficult situations. I so appreciate how Kristin Schuchmann brings the focus back to how our Christianity completely influences how we approach care without being "preachy" or sacrificing the quality of the information. 

~Emily Unruh, Charis CE/Doula/LC student


Practicing squatting…..


Today was a wonderful blessing! Kristin Schuchmann is so sweet and willingly answers questions. I learned a lot about benefits and risks of different comfort measures. Kristin also gave many beneficial "pictures" that helped me understand everything.  I will use these with future clients! Overall this workshop was very educational and it had such a sweet and comfortable atmosphere.

~Annaiah Walker, Charis CE/Doula/LC student


I learned a lot from today's experience! One of the highlights was learning about ways to "move" through labor and all the different comfort measures.

~Morgan Mitchell, Charis CE/Doula student

Can you find the acupressure points?
the benefits of pressure  to various points in the body,
learning how it can positively assist labor and birth.


I was very interested to learn many ways a Rebozo can be used to benefit a laboring woman. I learned many instances in which the epidural is contraindicated, for example someone with back acne or someone with scoliosis. The workshop helped solidify the knowledge I gained from the modules by allowing me to practice in a hands-on environment.

~Emily Palisano, Charis CE/Doula student

Everyone gets a hand massage!

The "round-table" talk about networking and serving with childbirth professionals was helpful and encouraging. I am looking forward to learning from all those I come into contact with in the childbirth culture. Also the element of human touch ~ the life-giving energy gem that God created all of us with to be able to minister to one another.  The pros and cons of epidural will be shared in any childbirth education class I instruct!

~Wendy Walker, Charis CE/Doula/LC student

A full day of learning, ahhhh, time for another walk on the beach to behold a glorious sunset.
The workshop is over and these ladies are ready to bless their communities with the information,
skills, and tools they acquired at the Charis “Labor Support” workshop.


'Behold, I will bring them from the north country, And gather them from the ends of the earth,
 Among  them the blind and the lame, The woman with child and The one who labors with child,  together,
 A great throng shall return there...And My people shall be satisfied with My goodness, says the LORD.'
 Jeremiah 31:8, 14
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November 2015