Volume 9

~ News From "Your Birthing Family" ~

Issue 10





Our Charis Family

Bethany Stricker
Charis midwifery student


Dear Charis Family,

A lot has happened in the past year that I would love to tell you about.  I have been very blessed by the Lord to continue serving families as a doula and I have continued my Charis midwifery academics studies.   In addition, I began apprenticing with a local midwife in solo practice and learned a lot by observing her at prenatals, births, and postpartum visits.  About the beginning of last year, I realized I wanted to build my skills to become a midwife in ways I could not as a midwife's assistant here in Virginia.  I prayed and applied to the apprenticeship program at Family Birth Services (FBS) in Grand Prairie, Texas.  A friend of mine and midwife trained there and I knew she absolutely loved it.  I also called 8 other graduates of the program at FBS and all had positive praises of their experiences.  For the first time, I heard nothing negative about apprenticeship!  I noticed this right away and knew the Lord was giving me peace to move forward.

One of the things that confirmed Family Birth Services for me was the fact that I could continue my midwifery academics through Charis while apprenticing there.  FBS only offers clinical work and preceptors by NARM's definition and they need students to have an outside academic program.  Very wisely, they have an apprentice director who encourages students in their academic work along with making sure they are learning, clinically, what they need for NARM paperwork.  Birth centers are great for getting numbers and 'learning birth' but with multiple midwives and students, individual students can be overlooked, not taught properly, not taught at all or simply have holes in their learning that does not allow them to move to the next level of skills or practice midwifery autonomously.  They are in full support of my Charis academics which validates my working with them - the ability to continue having Susan Oshel, my Charis coach/mentor while having someone in person who insures I am getting the hands on teaching I need.  I find it comforting that FBS has been doing what they have been doing for over 30 years and their graduates are respected all over Texas and Oklahoma.  I am very excited to be learning at FBS along with Charis!

I sent in my application and received word that they would like me to visit for one week sometime in the summer.  It would be like a week long interview and I sure was nervous!  I ended up going in the middle of June and it was wonderful.  They wanted to get to know me as much as they wanted me to know them and that eased my nervousness greatly.  I learned that there were three other women that were having week long interviews for the spot in January 2015.  I went home being blessed by my time at FBS and very inspired by their successful apprenticeship system (helping over 80 women become midwives since 1981!) but I was convinced that I would not get the slot that I really wanted.

I went home in July joyful but sobered.  I talked to a midwife in solo practice in Grapevine, Texas (about 20 minutes from FBS) and she was very interested in having me as an apprentice.  I really liked her also so I knew that if I did not get the slot at FBS, I had another opportunity.

Roxanne, the apprenticeship director at FBS, let me know that they would update me on their decision by the middle of July.  I went about my usual routine when I arrived home from Texas working on my Charis studies and enjoying my time off call.  Unexpectedly, Roxanne called me and left a message on my phone a week earlier than I thought she would.  This ended up being a real blessing from the Lord because it wasn't on my radar that she would be calling anytime soon- I didn't have time to become anxious!  I called Roxanne back and also had to leave a message.  The anticipation was killing me!  I went to Whole Foods to get some kombucha and she called me back in the parking lot.  I took a few deep breaths, and prepared myself that she was going to tell me bad news.  She asked how I was and I asked how she was and then she got right down to it- everyone at FBS had talked and they felt like I was a good fit and wanted me to come!  I was thrilled and shocked and surprised all at once!  All I could respond was, "really? wow...wow...really? wow...." Roxanne laughed and I was finally able to blurt out that I was thrilled and really looking forward to my time at FBS.  She asked if I could do my trial month in August, knowing that it was a little last minute.  I let her know that I would get back to her with a definite but that I did not have any travel or doula-ing commitments as of then in August.  So, needless to say, I spent my August in Texas at FBS being fully blessed by a group of ladies that LOVE the Lord and each of the families they serve!  It was truly a wonderful month full of HOPE!  I attended 9 births while I was there with 3 being at the birth center and the rest home births in suburbs of Dallas.  There were no transports in the month of August, a huge blessing and breath of fresh air for me.

After my month at FBS in August, I had no reservations about going through their apprenticeship program and neither did the staff at FBS.  Lord willing, I will move to Grand Prairie in early January of next year and take the NARM exam sometime in 2016.  I have kept a journal since the very first birth I attended and I thought you all might like to read a few snippets as I reflected on my month at FBS in August.

August 31st, 2014

So much has happened that I am not sure what to write or where to begin.  It is all so overwhelming.  I’ve realized I have not been writing since my last entry in April because a lot I want to block out..... but a lot I also don’t want to forget.  A lot of beauty that I don’t want to forget.  I'm going to try and fill in the gaps and journal more to not forget all the beauty.

September 1st, 2014

I woke up this morning and heard footsteps and thought, “oh, Jeanne is awake!  She hasn’t left yet and I get to talk to her today!”  Then, I opened my eyes and realized I wasn’t in the loft at FBS.  Not sad, I just miss FBS.

September 4th, 2014

August feels like a surreal dream.  It was such a whirlwind of blood, sweat, tears, ….amniotic fluid, herb baths, manacide, chlorox, essential oils, and coffee.  I have never cleaned so much in my whole life.  To think I turned my nose up at manacide and now I can’t imagine cleaning without it. Nor have I ever had so much caffeine in a day.  My new record is 4 cups of peppermint latte and 4 cups of iced tea.  Time (and experience) changes people….changes me.

When you are woken up for the third night straight and only get about 1-2 hours of sleep, you wonder what in the world you are doing.  If you could feel insanity, I think insanity would feel like this: exhaustion, slight hysteria, and passion.  The world goes on in its predictable ebbs and flows...schedule.  I wonder what that’s like, and is this crazy life worth it?  But how could I not be in birth work?  That seems more insane.  In the haze of exhaustion, there is a fine line between duty and passion, birth and death.  I just keep putting one foot in front of the other….finding love and grace in the haze.

Coming off of August I realize I miss the insanity and the exhaustion that goes with it.  That feeling of your body about to break and yet it keeps going.  Sort of like after a really great workout...except worse.  That need for water and food and yet you wait just a little bit longer...only to hear a grunt and then a growl...and then see head...and know no food is coming for another few hours till mom and baby are settled into clean sheets.  The adrenaline and oxytocin in me...in them...the room.  The excitement that comes with the haze between life and death...this world and the next.  The things we understand and the miracle we see in the wee hours.  The cars drive by, going on with their day and night.  How can this miracle of sacrifice be missed?  That feeling of being stretched until you think you can’t be pulled any further...and still….you open more...to love and life...pain….so much pain….and then there is your precious reward.  A baby for the mother’s hard work and that beckoning, addictive adrenaline and fulfilling reassurance that there is actually beauty….innocence in this world.  Once I saw it, I yearn for it.  There is no going back.  Do you ever feel your soul is captured?  Wrapped up in a package of joy that can only be explained to be a gift from the Divine?  Apparently, few find birth and death….sacrifice….. so breathtaking…...how can love not be breathtaking?

There is this pull between where I have been and where I want to be.  A longing for comfort and yet a drawing toward the light at the end of the tunnel….the same light that’s a refining fire perfecting this piece of metal.  It’s hard and yet, in the hurt, is the joy.  That feeling of jumping off a cliff and finding the most incredible things about life.  Why live in the mediocre when you could have the divine?  Why gray when life can actually blast by in full color?

How often do I wish I was farther along in school?  Every blasted day.  Contentment is not my middle name.  Nor is patience.  Actually, my middle name is overwhelmed.  Starting Anatomy and Physiology and thinking about the long list of people I know who are younger than me and already did this.  Why didn’t I do it years ago?  Hindsight is 20/20.  Why do I have to be reminded of my shortcomings.  Oh yea.  Cause I actually am human. I forgot…..for a sec….God does his sovereign job and I do my measly paper.  It is good this way.  After the pain, comes joy...there I find that glimpse of heaven.

(I’m trying to let my thoughts flow out….gets rid of the writers block.  This calls for celebration.  Lately, I celebrate with sleep.)

The road behind the birth center with an evening sunset.
I felt like I saw this view or the night sky much more than the day light!
Babies seem to come at night and we were often quite busy with appointments during the day!

The most green and lush area I ever saw while I was in Texas!
Here in Virginia, this is my daily view, sometimes even in the winter!
Texas was very brown to me and I loved seeing this landscape at church.

The prenatal room where we do the hands on component of prenatal appointments.

The prenatal room where we sit and chat with clients.
Appointments are about 30 minutes to one hour long and we spend 3/4 of the appointment in this room.

This is the living room area where clients come in from the main road.
We do childbirth classes and parts of tours here.

This is one of the birth rooms.
It is the most recently decorated and has the most births, lately!
All of the birth center births I attended while I was at the center in August were in here.

This is another birth room called the Paris room.
There is another birth room also, a total of three, but I was unable to get a picture of it.

This is the kitchen where I spent a lot of my time!  In between appointments, I had my computer and textbooks out to work on Charis homework.  Often, another student was doing the same.  The midwives and students help to make potluck style dinners 1-2 nights a week.  It seemed like the rest of the time, we were on the go at births together!  It is a real family atmosphere and I just love it!

 'Behold, I will bring them from the north country, And gather them from the ends of the earth,
 Among  them the blind and the lame, The woman with child and The one who labors with child,  together,
 A great throng shall return there...And My people shall be satisfied with My goodness, says the LORD.'
 Jeremiah 31:8, 14
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October 2014