Volume 12

~ News From "Your Birthing Family" ~

Issue 1






Charis "Communication, Teaching, and Coaching" Workshop

Was held Saturday, February 4, 2017
At Charis Childbirth in North Port, Florida

Left to Right: Marilyn Garman, Brenda Copenhaver, Mary Spicher,
Kristin Schuchmann, Makayla Hunt, Alyssa Willis

What a blessed and educational time we all had at the Charis “Communication, Teaching, and Coaching” Workshop!   The ladies spent the day making new friends and becoming more skilled in preparing effective introductions, asking powerful questions, creating a learner-friendly environment, capturing the attention of learners, helping clients embrace their responsibility of making informed decisions, and so much more.

In addition to the valuable skills acquired at the workshop, they also took home an assortment of visual aids and other valuable teaching tools to enhance their future students’ learning experience.

Rearranging the room to create a creative and comfortable learning environment.

Kristin Schuchmann enjoys every moment of the workshop's activities
and loves our amazing and brilliant students!

Makayla Hunt, Mary Spicher, Brenda Copenhaver, and Marilyn Garman

Marilyn Garman

I learned about "asking questions" and how to keep asking to gather information and not assume I know the answers. Creating a friendly environment and building a community setting is important. I also learned fun ways to "hook" people to draw them into what you are speaking about.

~ Marilyn Garman, Charis Doula Student

Makayla Hunt, Mary Spicher, Brenda Copenhaver, Marilyn Garman and Alyssa Willis

Alyssa Willis

We started off the class learning how to create a safe environment that encourages learning and group interaction. The role plays were awesome as we practiced hooking our audience before plunging into teaching a subject in our childbirth classes. We learned how to be a good listener and then to ask good powerful questions that will be most helpful to our clients. I had fun and look forward to using what I learned!

~ Alyssa Willis, Charis Midwifery Student

Makayla Hunt and Mary Spicher

Alyssa Willis and Sarah Gardner practicing communication skills.

The highlights of this workshop include: How to explore open questions compared to closed questions. Ways to get your class to interact and get to know one another. Creating a warm environment. Learning how to listen instead of giving an opinion. Ways to increase breastmilk and when a problem presents, finding a solution!

~ Sarah Gardner, Charis Childbirth and LifeSong Midwifery Administrative Assistant

Makayla Hunt

It was amazing to see how asking awesome questions in different ways effected communication between anyone, a doula client or even your family members! Learning how to help a mother reach her own conclusion or solution by asking questions rather than giving her a solution right away. It was also wonderful learning how important a good listener really is to effectively care for a new mother.

~ Makayla Hunt, Charis Doula Student

Good conversation between Marilyn Garman and Brenda Copenhaver.

Makayla Hunt and Mary Spicher honing communication skills.

Mary Spicher

I learned that asking big, powerful open questions is helpful in relationships with doula clients. Kristin Schuchmann had activities and games for us to use in our childbirth education classes and they were fun!

~ Mary Spicher, Charis Doula/Childbirth Educator Student

Marilyn Garman, Mary Spicher and Makayla Hunt
enjoying a "transition activity".

Brenda Copenhaver

I experienced the importance of really learning to be a good listener and how to ask questions - I think it's so important to do this with new mammas, they need to know you really care!

~ Brenda Copenhaver, Charis Postpartum Doula Student

Makayla Hunt and Mary Spicher deeply involved in "listening skills"

Opening workshop gifts!

A blessed, rewarding and wonderful time was had by all
during the Charis "Communication, Teaching, and Coaching" Workshop


'Behold, I will bring them from the north country, And gather them from the ends of the earth,
 Among  them the blind and the lame, The woman with child and The one who labors with child,  together,
 A great throng shall return there...And My people shall be satisfied with My goodness, says the LORD.'
 Jeremiah 31:8, 14
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February 2017