Volume 12

~ News From "Your Birthing Family" ~

Issue 1





Our Charis Family

Annaiah Walker

Hello all!

My name is Annaiah, pronounced a variety of ways including, but not limited to, “on-nay-uh”, “on-knee-yuh”, and “on-yah”. It has kind of shifted over the years. I am seventeen and the middle child of five, ranging from twenty-two to twelve and a half. I currently live in Virginia, in historic Colonial Williamsburg. I have lived here (though in two different houses) for the last eight and a half years of my life. However, all that is changing now. Come early March most of my family will be moving to…we don’t know!!! There are a couple different options at the moment, the most likely being Michigan. The next year or two will likely be full of hop, skipping, and jumping across the United States for us. I would appreciate prayer in this area for me as I love the idea of just settling down in one area, especially Michigan or Virginia (we have close family in both spots). Please pray that my heart will be in the right spot and I will be open handed to wherever God plans to take us.

Since most of you don’t know me I thought I would give you some random facts about me to hold on to so that you have a little better an idea of the kind of person I am. So here goes…

- I’m an introvert so I have a love/hate relationship with parties (the idea of them is nice, but then in reality they’re very difficult for me).

- My favorite color is blue.

- I have peanut allergies, but only for the last year and a half.

- I love dressing up all fancy, but then I love being able to go home and get in my comfy pajamas.

- Piano is the instrument for me…I can’t play it (although I’m working on that) but I could listen to it all day. When I hear someone playing piano I automatically start looking around for the piano and then I just stand there like a creep, watching whoever it is play.

- I love swimming, but only in swimming pools or the Great Lakes.

- Most of the time I think winter is my favorite season, and then there are random days where I decide that it’s spring instead. And then the next day I am right back to loving winter. Not sure what happens there in my mind :/

- I love organization, but I struggle to keep my room clean.

- I am very straight forward and literal. This means I am often the last one to get a joke…which makes for a lot of laughter, and sarcasm just plain doesn’t work with me…because I will believe it. Like if someone is actually talking about how little money they have, but instead they say something like “yeah, I just carry about a thousand dollars in my back pocket all the time” I will take them quite seriously, and then figure out when they start laughing that they were joking…I’ve learned to just laugh along.
- Speaking of laughter…I get HICCUPS!!! No joke. Sometimes they last just 5-10 minutes...but then there are times where I have had them for 2 and ½ days, straight through the night even. Well…that only happened once, but I seriously thought I was going to crack a rib at some point. Thankfully that didn’t happen…I was just really, really sore afterwards. Hiccups for a whole day are not uncommon though.

So, there you go…I hope that helped to give you a little bit of a picture of who I am.

You might be wondering how a crazy girl like me joined Charis...well it’s a long story. So maybe grab a cup of tea and a blanket and curl up on a couch to enjoy the journey I have travelled.

This story starts back in 1994, when my Mama was pregnant with my older brother and she was choosing her care provider. God put the right people in her life at this time, and it led her to finding a wonderful midwife. With a little bit of information, she quickly became passionate about natural childbirth and she wound up with a beautiful home birth. Although she loved her homebirth, because of some life circumstances, she chose to give birth to her next baby with Nurse Midwives at a hospital birth center. That is where my older sister was born. They loved the experience so much that my parents chose to go back for my birth. My birth was also a wonderful experience, but again, because of some life circumstance, a homebirth was chosen for my younger brother. He was only thirteen months younger than me so I have no memories of that day. And that was our little family…or so we thought.

Four years and six days after my little brother was born, on June 13th, 2004…we added our sweet princess to our family. I was five by then and God planted a seed in my heart that day. I know the date and approximately the time that the birth work was planted in my heart, although I had no idea that such a beautiful flower had just been planted. Mama delivered in a different hospital birth center and when I went to visit my new little sister, I walked into the room and there was this most beautiful woman, standing strong, tall, and oh so proud of my Mama and little sister. I had no idea how influential this woman would be in my life… since she is part of this story I think she needs a name. I’m going to call her Companion, since that is what her beautiful name means. While I was waiting my turn to snuggle the new baby…I became interested in what Companion was doing. And I watched…she must have noticed because she asked if I wanted to see around. She took me about the room and showed me so much…I remember the umbilical clips, the gloves, the scissors, the baby scale, the shower for soothing Mama (that’s what she called it), and so much more. She became my Companion that day…I have no idea if she saw the potential in me or if she just did that with all the kids that visited. It doesn’t really matter… she put something there in my heart that was only to grow bigger. That day, I remember staring into her big, beautiful, gentle eyes…holding her hand…listening to her lovely voice explaining things to me, answering my many questions…and I thought “wouldn’t it be amazing to do a job like this. Maybe I want to be like her someday…” But as I hugged her good-bye that day…I had no idea I was hugging someone still very dear to me twelve years later. I haven’t seen my companion friend since that day, but I still have hopes of seeing her again.

So, life continued like normal, and although I didn’t realize I was doing this…there was an increasing number of times I played the midwife/doctor/nurse while playing what my siblings and I called “imaginary”. Several years passed…our family moved out of state from the only state we had ever lived in and began an adventure in a new place. A place that unknown to me would be crucial in building a huge part in my life. I fought so hard…I didn’t want to move away from the life I had always known and I didn’t want to like the new place or think that it had anything good. Although I’ve never felt completely settled here, I did get to a point where I recognized God’s goodness in bringing my family and I to Hampton Roads, Virginia and I was happy to be here as long as I needed to be.

During this shift in our life, I started helping Mama with cooking dinners, menu planning, and grocery shopping. While out on one of these shopping trips on a rainy day sometime in the fall of 2009, I told Mama that I was frustrated because I wanted to be a midwife but I didn’t want to go to college (at this point in time I had been told that was the only option). I was scared of the responsibility of taking care of moms and babies. The legalities of midwifery scared me too. It was then that Mama encouraged me and said there were other options to consider. She told me about doulas…who they were, what they did, and what their schooling involved. All of a sudden, a whole new world was opened up to me and I had an option that fit my hopes.

For the next several years, I read as many books about pregnancy and birth that I could get my hands on. Somewhere during this time, I noticed a paper on the bulletin board at the library that said “meet the doulas”. Mama and I both decided to go and see if I could get any more information. It turned out to be one meeting out of many that I attended on a regular basis with a group that talks about pregnancy, birth, and breastfeeding options in the area and also lots of stories. I was fascinated and convinced that being a doula was for me. But Mama wanted me to do one more thing before I fully committed to becoming a doula…she asked me to wait until I had attended a birth before jumping completely in. The opportunity came when I was thirteen. A friend of mine was having her 10th baby at home and asked Mama, my sister, and I if we wanted to come. I was so excited. The birth was beautiful and after that I was more determined than ever. Mama completely supported me and encouraged me to pursue the path I was taking and helped me in any way she could.

Later that year another friend of mine was pregnant and she invited me not only to her birth, but also to all her midwife appointments. The midwives took me under their wings and taught me to find the baby’s heartbeat, measure the fundal height, and find the baby’s position. I loved these visits and this was the first time I had a thought of MAYBE I would become a midwife FAR in the future. About two weeks before the baby was born it was decided I would be the one to deliver the baby. I was so excited about this opportunity…and I had no idea what was waiting just ahead for me. As it turns out I wound up being the only one attending the birth. The midwives didn’t make it in time and the dad was walking into the kitchen from work when he heard the baby cry. I was on such a birth high for days. To this day, I have a very special bond with that baby…actually now she’s a toddler.

Holding the sweet baby girl that I caught three years ago.

I attended one more birth a year later. This was my first hospital birth experience…and I struggled to understand why there was such a difference in what the homebirths I attended were like and what this birth was like. The way it all turned out left me uncertain of how I should proceed, because I knew for sure I wanted to work with births, but I struggled with feelings of helplessness afterwards. My friend didn’t have the birth she had hoped for and I wasn’t able to do anything about it. I struggled because I knew it could have been different…

I chose to continue forward with becoming a doula because I was positive I wasn’t meant to be a midwife, at least not any time soon. My sister, Zipporah, was also looking into becoming a doula by this time. She and I started looking into options for certification and one day she found Charis Childbirth. We prayed together and with our parents about getting our certification through Charis. After long hours of prayer and talking it was decided we should apply. In August of 2015 we both signed our applications and sent them off in the mail. Mama actually sent one in too, but she chose not to continue so she could spend time focusing on my little brother and sister. That October we started our coursework and have been continuing together since then.

Spending time with my wonderful Charis coach, Rachel Thompson.

Since beginning Charis I have attended five more births. After two homebirths, two hospital deliveries, and one hospital ABC birth, I have learned so much about birth and about myself. Through these births, I have discovered that in all reality I’m meant to go beyond being a doula and become a homebirth midwife. God has placed so many different things in my path to point me in that direction. It took a long time for me to stop pushing against it, but once I decided to accept it I actually got really excited!

Although I thoroughly believe I am meant to be a midwife I am planning on finishing my doula certification. My hope is to practice as a doula for a little while to earn money for schooling and then proceed on to midwifery training.

So, that is my story so far. I can’t wait to see what is up ahead for me! In April I will be graduating high school so hopefully that will free me up to really dive fully into Charis and get this certification complete…dual crediting through high school has been a challenge, but totally worth it! I wouldn’t change a thing. This journey has helped me grow in so many ways, including my relationship with God.

Thank you for taking probably quite a bit of time out of your day to get to know me a little better.

Blessings to you,
Annaiah Walker

Enjoy a little pictorial journey of myself and my family. :)

Levi, Zipporah, and I on the way to a ball. I'm the one hugging Levi.

On the ferry with my sweet mum =)

Mama and I, enjoying the outdoors.

My family at my cousin's wedding.
Left to Right: Levi, Elita, Me, Zipporah, our cousin and her new hubby, Papa, Mama, and Benjamin.

My Sisters, Elita, Zipporah and I.

Elita, Zipporah, and I cooking in the kitchen.

Just chillin' with Elita.

 'Behold, I will bring them from the north country, And gather them from the ends of the earth,
 Among  them the blind and the lame, The woman with child and The one who labors with child,  together,
 A great throng shall return there...And My people shall be satisfied with My goodness, says the LORD.'
 Jeremiah 31:8, 14
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February 2017