Volume 8

~ News From "Your Birthing Family" ~

Issue 1





Charis Around the World

Tidbits From Ebony
by Elizabeth Carmichael

Winter in Ebony

Dear Charis Family,

HAPPY NEW YEAR from a cold, dark room in Ebony.  Are you shivering yet???  We don't have electricity right now, the pipes are frozen so we don't have water, and well.....I don't have to be cold, but my sawdust heater went out a while ago and I just haven't gone out to refill and light it again. :-) And, THAT is winter in Ebony. :-)

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas. I'm sorry I haven't been able to participate more with my Charis sister students in the e-group, but I pay attention and I have been praying for some of you, rejoicing with you and mourning with others.  Know that I am thinking of you and your circumstances, and those you serve.

Oh!!  The lights just came back on!!!  Join me for a cup of tea.........

My Christmas season here was so nice.  I shared before that I was spending some of December in the Capital where I did a program evaluation of a women's shelter there.  It was a life changing experience.  I got to sit, mostly with Pushpin women from some of the FURTHEST corners of the earth, and listen to stories that you just would not be able to hear without weeping.  Unfathomable things that human beings are capable of doing to one another.  It was gut wrenching, but also SUCH an honor to sit with these women, hear their stories, pray quietly for them in my heart and say things to them like, "Every man and woman in your life may have been your enemy, but God is not your enemy."  And, "God sees you.  He has great love for you."

The children were unbelievable too.  Each woman there had at least four children.  One woman had a brood of six with her and they were just doll babies, every single one of them.  When some of the most traumatized kids drew pictures of their future for me (as part of the evaluation process), they drew themselves alone in a new and better life.  But, this little brood of six, they couldn't imagine that.  God has spared them from witnessing and participating in abuses against each other as siblings, so they are a bit healthier than the other children and they are bound together in love.

The little brother from that troupe drew a picture representing his future life--and it is all his brothers and sisters and himself laying in their beds, safely.  He said his mom is there in a bed too and ..."there is someone in the doorway.  But, not a bad person."  These women and children are at this shelter because of grave, grave risk to their lives and because of abuses they have already endured.  A few of them are victims of human trafficking, as are their children.  It is horrible.  And, I thought of all of that as I looked at this little boy's picture.  I prayed, "Oh, Jesus.  Be the person in the doorway when he is older!  Be there in his doorway, knocking, even right now!"  Would you please stop and pray a quick prayer for this boy and his family?

As I left my ten days at the shelter and boarded the plane to come home, up North, and write my report....I could feel myself getting sicker and sicker. All total, since that day I have been sick for three whole weeks.  And, I have not been able to leave my house for about nine days now.  It has been a BUMMER, let me tell ya!  It turns out I caught a bacterial infection that went into my respiratory system and threw me completely for a loop.  I am so thankful I have a level headed German doctor on my team, married to a German midwife (so you know she's not going to let him get away with any crazy stuff!). :-)  They have been wonderful and cared for me so much while I've been ill.

Over Christmas, even though I was sick, I had two guests from out of country.  I also had multitudes of local guests from Ebony.  It was appalling to me this year to learn that, up here in the North, all the locals believe that Christmas is just our celebration of the New Year.  Well, I set that rumor straight with anyone I was privileged to talk to.  We held a lively party at our office and shared very 'Important Things about Christmas' with all of our staff.  The Father opened several other doors for some deep sharing.  Would you take a moment to pray that these seeds would remain and sprout in good soil within people's hearts?

I do think my health is on the upswing now.  I have one more day of rest and then I am headed back to work. I will spend the week teaching some basic development principles to local people.  Please cover this time in your prayers.

Sorry not much "baby" news this month, but thanks for reading all the same!

Much love,
Elizabeth C.


Our International Charis Family
Your stories from around the world touch us and we pray for your safety.
Thanks, Love and Blessings to every one of you!

'Behold, I will bring them from the north country, And gather them from the ends of the earth,
 Among  them the blind and the lame, The woman with child and The one who labors with child,  together,
 A great throng shall return there...And My people shall be satisfied with My goodness, says the LORD.'
 Jeremiah 31:8, 14
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January 2013