Volume 6

~ News From "Your Birthing Family" ~

Issue 6





Our Charis Family

Jennifer Goodwin

Josh and Jennifer Goodwin

I lay in bed gazing into the face of my new baby boy for what seemed like forever.  I hadn’t slept in 30 or so hours, but I was so full of happiness, excitement, and oxytocin that I couldn’t possibly sleep.  Although it had been a long and emotionally stressful labor, having the constant support of my husband had gotten me through.  My husband Josh had literally stood by my side for hours, breathing with me through every contraction, reminding me to relax, and reassuring me that everything was fine.  Now, as I reveled in my emotions and happy hormones, Josh lay sound asleep, exhausted from his supporting role.

Sometime afterward I began to wonder how a woman could go through labor without such a person by her side.  I started to wonder how I would cope if my husband didn’t know how to help me.  What about single mothers or military wives?  My heart yearned to help them.  It was then that I considered becoming a doula.  I researched doula programs but found nothing to fit my Christian philosophy, busy lifestyle, and small budget.  Then, in God’s perfect time, I found Charis.

God’s perfect time happens to be a very busy time for me.  Josh is the pastor of our small church here in central Florida.  I am a busy stay-at-home mom to Jeremiah, 3 ½, Justus, 1 ½ and Judah, who is due in about a week.  I am also a helpmeet trying to do all I can to help my husband with the church.  Now, I am starting my doula training and enjoying every minute of it. With this new ministry I will be able to help women enjoy birth and help my family financially, allowing my husband to quit his secular job and focus on his church.  I will also be able to share the glory of the amazing Designer.  I can’t wait.

Please allow me to praise the Lord for a minute.  I thank Him for giving me a love of learning and for birth.  I thank Him for allowing me to learn about and experience natural childbirth. He placed me in a wonderful area surrounded by great midwives and women who desire to use them.  He placed me in a location where doulas are needed and sought after.  Because of my location close to the Charis program, I will be able to easily attend the workshops and find the births I need to complete my certification.  My husband’s occupation and nearby family members will give me plenty of childcare while I attend births.  Thank you, Lord, for the amazing opportunity and circumstances you have laid out for me.

Jeremiah, 3 ½, Justus, 1 ½

Please join us in congratulating Jennifer Goodwin and her husband Joshua on the birth of their 8 lb, 11 oz beautiful baby boy Judah Major Goodwin --- their third son!!!  Judah arrived on June 7th at 7 a.m. and is incredibly blessed to be in such a wonderful family!   Thank-you Jennifer for sharing your bio just before giving birth to precious Judah.

newborn Judah Major Goodwin

Charis Cuisine

Banana Salad

serves 2

2 bananas
1 small head romaine
juice of 1 lemon
pinch of salt
coconut flakes, finely shredded

A salad for breakfast?  Sure.  It has the same ingredients as a smoothie!

It's just as simple to make, too.  Chop the romaine and toss with sliced bananas.  In a small cup, whisk together the lemon juice, agave, and a pinch of salt and dress each salad.  Sprinkle with coconut flakes.

Nutritional Benefits of Bananas

Bananas are a nutritious snack that should be incorporated into your diet as much as possible. Bananas are a great source of phosphorous, calcium, potassium, vitamin A, vitamin C, niacin, vitamin E and vitamin B6. Bananas have more calories than an apple or an orange, but less sugar. Because bananas are also a healthy source of carbohydrates, they help curb the appetite throughout the day.

Bananas are arguably one of the healthiest fruits to incorporate into your diet. By eating two bananas a day, you are getting the full amount of potassium you need for the day. Bananas are also a wonderful source of vitamin B6, vitamin C, folate, fiber, calcium and even protein. One medium-sized banana has 100 calories, mostly from the sugar in the banana. Bananas should be balanced with a protein-filled lunch or dinner. If you eat lots of pasta or starch, adding a banana a day into your diet may not make much of a difference. If you are eating at least two balanced meals a day, including fresh sources of protein and calcium found in dark, leafy vegetables, you should notice a big difference in your health and stamina.

Bananas, compared to other fruits, are one of the largest sources of carbohydrates. Some diets may suggest to limit your carbohydrate intake, but carbs derived from fruits or vegetables are much healthier than wheat-derived carbs. Do not get discouraged if your diet tells you not to eat carbohydrates. Bananas are such a good source of vitamins and minerals that the health benefits are worth the risk of consuming additional carbohydrates. Limit your banana intake to one a day and you will experience health benefits that would not be possible by eating bread, rice, and other carbohydrates.

Nutritional Value of Bananas

Potassium: A single medium sized banana contains approximately 467 mg of potassium and only a negligible 1 mg of sodium. Potassium is important for regulating blood pressure and decreasing the risk of high blood pressure and its related conditions.

Calcium: Rich in calcium, 100 g bananas is capable of supplying the body with 5 mg of calcium. Calcium is essential for the formation, as well as upkeep of strong bones and teeth, and for the smooth functioning of neurotransmitter release and muscle contraction.

Carbohydrates: Bananas are very high on energy, and are usually eaten when one seeks an instant flush of energy. This is because a 100 g of bananas contains 22.84 g of carbohydrates, 12.23 g sugars and 2.6 g of dietary fiber. Though slightly higher for a diabetic, it makes for an easily digestible source of energy.

Vitamin C: A dietary intake of 100gms of banana will provide the body with nearly 8.7mg of vitamin C. This vitamin protects the body against oxidative stress and malnutrition. A powerful antioxidant helps the body control all free radicals.

Vitamin B6 : A water soluble vitamin, essential for the smooth functioning of the nervous system, boosting the immune system and fighting infection. One serving of 225 g will give the body 0.8 mg of vitamin B6.

Other Vitamins: Essential vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin K, folate, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, etc are all present in the bananas. These vitamins help in the formation of blood, and perform other activities in the body to keep its fitness levels on an all time high.


 'Behold, I will bring them from the north country, And gather them from the ends of the earth,
 Among  them the blind and the lame, The woman with child and The one who labors with child,  together,
 A great throng shall return there...And My people shall be satisfied with My goodness, says the LORD.'
 Jeremiah 31:8, 14
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June 2011