Volume 9

~ News From "Your Birthing Family" ~

Issue 1





Our Charis Family

Bethany Stricker

When I started the Charis doula program in the fall of 2010, I never imagined I would be here 3 years later.  I have apprenticed with seven midwives and been to about fifty births.  On average, I attend 3-5 births per month with half being my own doula clients and the other half as a midwife’s assistant at home and birth center births.  I am not as far as I would like to be in my studies (is anyone, I wonder?) but I know that will come along in the perfect timing.  I am so blessed to serve families and have a job doing what I love.  Life is blessedly full!  I am trying to say that instead of busy ;) as it reminds me that full means I have very loving family and friends in my life, a job that does pay the bills, opportunities that I could have never imagined and a school that stretches, grows and encourages me.

My doula practice has grown and I really enjoy giving my clients midwifery style care prenatally and postpartum.  We talk about nutrition, exercise, spinning babies techniques, optimal fetal positioning, relaxation techniques,  interventions, and how helpful chiropractic care is for an easier birth and more comfortable pregnancy.  Postpartum visits are so fun for me but also help me to have ‘closure’ after difficult births.  A good percentage of my doula clients choose to birth outside of the hospital with subsequent babies after talking about their birth and what they would have liked to have been different.  Doula-ing is a most bitter sweet job for me.  The work is hard but extremely rewarding.

I remember starting the Charis midwifery program in the Spring of 2011 and thinking that I would never have any apprenticeship opportunities.  I also thought I was just going to have more information for my doula clients and never become a midwife.  Almost three years later I’ve apprenticed with almost everyone in my area and have begun the NARM paperwork!   Doors have opened and closed for me and every time one closes, another opens.  The Lord is faithful and good.  There have been many bumps in the road when it comes to apprenticing and I have learned many lessons.  Many lessons I would have rather not learned or learned a different way, but I am thankful for each one.  The Lord has placed a fire in my heart to become a midwife simply to give more care than I can as a doula.

It has been difficult to be growing up while also becoming a midwife.  I wonder why and ask the same questions most 21 year olds do but most 21 year olds aren’t on call 24/7 or have the same responsibility that I feel each day.  Through midwifery, my faith has become my own as difficult times have forced me to choose if I believe what I say I do.  I am also learning how to take care of myself while taking care of others.  What a challenge!  It is a balance to keep up my health while being at marathon births wondering if another baby will come right after.  I am thankful to be growing even though it is hard, very hard on some days.

I hope to finish my Charis schooling by the end of 2015, at the latest, including Anatomy and Physiology and the new Lactation Counselor program!  I am so excited to keep learning.  I also hope to have my CPM by around that time or by the end of 2016.  We shall see what the Lord does.  He began the work so I know he will finish it, whatever that means….midwife...doula….of service to families.


Bethany lives in Northern Virginia, USA.  She is a Charis midwifery student, doula and midwife assistant.  In her spare time she enjoys friends, family, being mentored, sewing, gardening, real food cooking, knitting, building her library and permaculture. In our November newsletter we featured a sobering and educational PCOS study Bethany composed.  Visit her feature here and learn more about her on her Wisdon Birth Services website.

Charis Cuisine

Sweet Pepper & Collards Salad


Makes 1 Large Bowl | 1 Serving

3 medium collard leaves
1 tbsp apple cider vinegar
Sea salt to taste
1 clove garlic
4-5 pieces of dried tomatoes
1 tbsp nutritional yeast
2 tbsp hemp seeds
1/2 red or orange bell pepper
1 tsp extra virgin olive oil

You can use either collard greens or kale in this recipe!  Using both are spectacular.  The key to keeping this recipe sweet is to use your own dried tomatoes or to buy them from a store.  The brand Just Tomatoes™ makes a wonderful dried tomato.  The difference between a sun-dried tomato and a dried tomato is flavor - a sundried tomato has a deeper flavor whereas a dried tomato is sweet like candy.  If you use a traditional sun-dried tomato for this recipe, add the sea salt right before you add the olive oil and NOT when you add the vinegar.   Often sun-dried tomatoes come pre-salted and you don't want to over-salt your meal.


Equipment needed: Just a knife and cutting board!

1 Layer the collard or kale leaves on top of each other, roll them into a burrito, and cut them into thin 1/4-inch slices.

2 Place the sliced greens into a large bowl, and add the salt and vinegar, and mix well.

3 Mince the garlic and dried tomatoes.  Now, add the garlic, dried tomatoes, nutritional yeast, and hemp seeds to the greens and mix.

4 Slice the sweet bell pepper and add it to the greens.

5 Add the olive oil and mix well.

6 Allow the greens to sit for 5-10 minutes. Enjoy!

Nutrition Information Per Serving
(based on 2,000 calorie daily intake)

Calories 245
protein 16g
total fat 11g
carbohydrate 27g
dietary fiber 11g
total sugars 11g
calcium 22%
iron 31%
sodium 36%
potassium 39%
zinc 14%
vitamin A 185%
vitamin E 35%
thiamin 347%
riboflavin 309%
niacin 156%
vitamin B6 263%
folate 55%
vitamin B12 65%
vitamin C 205%



 'Behold, I will bring them from the north country, And gather them from the ends of the earth,
 Among  them the blind and the lame, The woman with child and The one who labors with child,  together,
 A great throng shall return there...And My people shall be satisfied with My goodness, says the LORD.'
 Jeremiah 31:8, 14
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January 2014