Volume 7

~ News From "Your Birthing Family" ~

Issue 9





Our Charis Family

Valencia Elliott

Hello Charis Family!

My name is Valencia Elliott.  I live in Lithonia, Georgia a suburb of Atlanta.  I was married in October 2001 and soon after we were expecting our first child.  I first heard about Charis after Joseph’s birth in December 2002.  I had the traditional hospital birth with an induction and all of the ‘normal’ interventions save the epidural.  I would not agree to that no matter what the nurses and doctors said.  After a long labor, I had a healthy baby boy and a feeling I had missed something.  When I woke up, a nurse placed a beautiful baby in my arms, but I could hardly remember his arrival.  He was sleepy and sluggish and my head was still spinning from the medications they assured me I needed to ease the pain of labor.  I knew the next time I had a baby I did not want it to be like this.

I started looking for more information about midwives.  Of course I knew about the curse of childbirth that started with Eve, but I also wanted to know what else the Bible had to say about childbirth.  I read in Exodus about how the Hebrew women gave birth on a stool, they were so lively, and delivered quickly.  I said to myself I want to be like a Hebrew woman the next time I have a baby.  So I started looking online for Christian Midwives and found Charis Childbirth.  The website read “All Charis workshops are taught from a Christian perspective, giving God the glory for His marvelous creation and how He so wonderfully created women to bear children.”  I thought these ladies have got it right!

So I signed up for the newsletter and every month without fail my eyes were opened to the great need for the ministry of midwifery here in the US and abroad.  In my own community, the teenage pregnancy rate is at epidemic proportions and the abortion rate is just as high.  I could see the need for compassionate care of Christian midwives to help young women cope with everything from the consequences of terminating a pregnancy to their decision to transition to motherhood.  I knew I wanted to be a midwife.

At the same time, my husband had begun his studies in Natural Health and Naturopathy. We found ourselves in preparation for a health ministry that will include midwifery and providing prevention and intervention guidance to maintain optimal health through naturopathic wellness solutions.  I know that is a mouth full.  To say it another way, we seek to help relieve the symptoms of illness and disease through safe and effective natural therapies and effect healing and wholeness in a person’s spirit, soul, and body.

As we have continued our preparation and studies, Type 2 Diabetes emerged as a dire issue we needed to address.  There are forecasts that suggest 50% of all Americans will be diabetic or pre-diabetic by 2020.  In the African American community, 15% of adults are already diagnosed as diabetic with another 15% in some stage of developing the disease.  We were inspired to begin the SAVE Your Health Challenge.  Type 2 Diabetes can be described as a lifestyle disease and 'The SAVE Your Health Challenge' specifically addresses changing from a disease lifestyle to a healthy lifestyle.  Our goal is to help prevent, control, and defeat diabetes through education and healthy lifestyle choices.

As my husband's studies are almost complete, I am looking forward to beginning my studies with Charis.  We are now expecting our third child.  What an awesome privilege to cooperate with the Creator to welcome a new life into the world!  I hope to inspire this outlook among the women I will serve as a midwife in the coming years.

When I’m not busy crusading for healthy lifestyles, homeschooling with Joe, or playing with Naomi, I blog at theladieslife.com.

Your sister in Christ,

Valencia and Tribes Elliott
with their two children, Joseph 9 years and Naomi, 9 months old.
Visit them at their budding health ministry:  Healthytribes.org.


Charis Cuisine

Coconut Water Kefir
~ Susan Oshel

Coconut Tree

Coconut water kefir is easy to make!
More than just beneficial bacteria

Bring 2 quarts of young coconut water to room temperature, 92° F (31° or 32° degrees C).

Pour a packet of kefir starter into the coconut water, stir.  A wonderful kefir starter is: Body Ecology Kefir Starter.  You can also use kefir grains. 

Cap the jar(s).   Kefir is ready in 24 - 36 hours (may vary with temperature).

(After fermentation is complete, you will want to refrigerate your kefir to extend its life.  It should maintain its fresh flavor for about 3 weeks.)

Save a little portion (1/4 cup for each quart) of the finished kefir and add it to a new jar of warmed coconut water.  You can keep repeating this process from one batch to another, adding it to the next until it loses it’s fermenting power.   It will make 4-5 batches and then use the kefir starter again.

The O.N.E. brand of coconut water is perfect to make kefir if you are unable to use fresh young coconuts.  This 100% coconut water is derived naturally from coconuts, is pure and not from concentrate and available at various stores, health food stores and some grocery stores.   


Health Benefits of Coconut Water and Coconut Kefir Water

Coconut water has a balance of essential electrolytes, including magnesium, sodium and potassium.

The watery substance inside coconuts, (known as “coconut water”), along with the flesh itself, has some amazing health benefits!  All across the world the coconut is respected as a powerful way to keep the body healthy.

When the nutritional benefits of coconut are added to the probiotic powers of Kefir, you end up with something that is fantastically good for the human body.

"Coconut water is an excellent “electrolyte replacement drink”.  This means that it has all the salts and sugars our body needs in order to recover from dehydration.  If the body has had to endure vomiting, diarrhea or intense sweating it sometimes needs a little help in order to rehydrate.  Coconut water can provide this rehydration, and is often used by athletes as a substitute for more expensive isotonic sports drinks!" ~ Bruce Fife, N.D.

Coconut water kefir is a great source of probiotics.  Coconut water, fermented or not, has many benefits.   So by taking coconut water, and then fermenting it, you have a super-drink!

Coconut Kefir can help the body recover from illness by replacing lost fluids and salts, and can also guard the body against further illness with its helpful bacteria.

Coconut water is a superfood filled with minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, amino acids, enzymes, and growth factors.  It is low in fat and has only a fifth of the sugar found in most fresh fruit juices.  One of the most remarkable characteristics of coconut water is its chemical profile and mineral content.  The primary minerals or electrolytes in coconut water are essentially the same as those found in human blood. 

As well as making coconut kefir with coconut water, the health benefits of coconut can also be combined with kefir by adding the flesh of a coconut to a kefir drink after it has been made, or by using tinned coconut milk as part of a delicious “Kefir smoothie”.

Experimenting is half the fun!  Try blending fruits, herbs or ginger for a flavor treat.   There is no limit to the ways in which you can incorporate the benefits of coconut into your kefir-based drinks!

There are many good resources to learn more about coconut water and coconut water kefir.  For basic "how-to" information, check these:

Making Coconut Water Kefir from Green Young Coconuts

Coconut Nutrition

Water Kefir Grains

 'Behold, I will bring them from the north country, And gather them from the ends of the earth,
 Among  them the blind and the lame, The woman with child and The one who labors with child,  together,
 A great throng shall return there...And My people shall be satisfied with My goodness, says the LORD.'
 Jeremiah 31:8, 14
©2012 Charis Childbirth Services, All Rights Reserved
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September  2012