Volume 5

~ News From "Your Birthing Family" ~

Issue 2





Our Charis Family

Allison Brunett

Allison Brunett and Jude

Hello friends.  My name is Allison Brunett.  I am a student in the Charis Midwifery program and became a member of the Charis family in early December.   I feel so fortunate to be among such a kindred spirited and warm group of women.

After being asked to construct a biography, I had put together a light hearted account of my life. Past, present, and future.   On the day I had planned on submitting this, the Lord strongly laid on my heart to abandon my writings and in its place share with you the essay I had written for my first module assignment in which the title , “My Heart”, seemed ever so appropriate.

“My Heart”

It was the first and last snow we had in the winter of 2007.   It was on that very night that the Lord made our path new and clear.  Our will was an idea of the past as we submitted ourselves to His plan for our lives.   My husband, pursuing a career in music, and I, pursuing an education in nursing, (prior to this snowy revelation), had decided that Seattle, Washington was the location of our destination for which we would embark on our new lives together.   It was two days before our departure; the moving truck was ready, our boxes were packed, and we had said our goodbye's to loved ones.   It was also on this same day we found out that we were to become parents!

It was truly a beautiful yet very unexpected surprise.   My heart was torn.   Should we continue with our plan to travel and move cross-country (where we knew no one, and had no support system), or should we stay around our family?   Should my husband still go on his own to the West coast for a time and try to pursue his dream, while I enroll in school here?   How could we possibly be apart from one another during such an intimate time, and how could I possibly commit to school when my heart was telling me to commit to loving and nurturing our new baby.   It wasn't until this magical precipitous night that I felt a deep peace in what the Lord wanted for our future .... and we stayed.

At this point our every step was guided by Christ and we soon became a walking testimony!  As we trusted in Him, the blessings began to overflow.  We started to gather together for church group on Sunday evenings with our new friends which soon became our family.  My eyes were opened in a new and incredible way.   I was so hungry for an intimate relationship with God and for the first time (through this fellowship of warm and kindred believers) I was shown the way through God's word and prayer.

Among our spiritual family there was a very special woman named Deb.   Deb became not only my close friend, but a sister, a mother and a mentor.   She taught me so much about women as a community under God!   She showed me how to use a holistic approach, the use of herbs, and natural alternatives.   She met with us weekly and extensively educated my husband and I in prenatal care, anatomy and physiology of a woman's body, pain relieving techniques, positive coaching methods, breastfeeding, and infant care.   I was given the wisdom and peace that I needed to completely trust God through an un-medicated delivery.

Deb Mcpherson supporting Allison
I received this information like nothing I had ever studied before.  I immersed myself in midwifery and natural child birth books and started to find myself answering questions from the other new "parents to be" at our prenatal couples group.  My heart took to the subject of pregnancy, mothers, and babies like a fish to water.   I felt so much joy in sharing what I had learned with other expecting women and mothers who had never even considered the thought of having a natural God designed birth.   I remember feeling such sorrow when a mother would speak of her sterile birth experience in the hospital and of their struggles with breastfeeding, but was inspired by those who had such a gleam in their eyes when they spoke of the beautiful and powerful natural birth of their children.  What a precious gift it is for women to carry children; I was in my element and loved every second of being pregnant, however I was greatly anticipating my baby's arrival and was so excited to experience this miraculous event of birthing my child first hand.

The day of our son's birth had finally come.  After about four hours of laboring my contractions became longer and more consistent, and that's when Deb arrived at our apartment. Having her AND my husband there supporting me was wonderful. Everything was so very joyful!  In the midst of intensity, prayer, harmony, relaxation, music, massages, and laughter; she would remind me, if I wanted to stay at home instead of going to the hospital, I could.

At this point, transition had long been past and we all agreed that if I was still going to see my midwife at the hospital that we should probably head out.  In route we had gotten the call that our midwife would not be able to make it to the birth.   God continued to give us peace, however, when we stepped foot inside the hospital, my intimate environment no longer existed. I was asked to step inside a tiny bright room, put on a hospital gown and give them a urine specimen.

Another contraction came very hard this time and I fell on a small cot and began to cry after the nurse had left the room.   I began to imagine my cat birthing her kittens in the dark while hidden in the closet.   I thought about how traumatizing it would have been for her to be suddenly torn from her safe and private quarters, to then be moved into a big fluorescent lit room; where there were a lot of humans staring at her … I felt like the cat.   When the nurse returned she saw first hand that I was in active labor and quickly moved me to the mother/baby unit.

After being transferred and settled into our room, I soon readjusted to my new surroundings.   We had requested the birthing pool and since it was 11:00 p.m., it arrived rather fast.  Paul had done an excellent job at re-establishing a comforting atmosphere with music and soft low lighting.   Deb and my sister-in-law had succeeded in setting the tone with the medical staff of our desire for no unnecessary medical intervention (which was no easy task).   It seemed we had to re-establish those boundaries every 10 minutes.

Finally, peace again at last. My husband was with me in the warm water and the nurse who had tucked herself away in a corner on the other side of the room would occasionally remind me that I was to get out of the pool when I felt the baby crowning.   That's exactly what I did and 15 minutes of pushing later a baby and a mother were born.

Time seemed to have stood still for me to lavish in this divine moment of seeing my child for the very first time.   A rush of countless emotions consumed me as I took him in my arms … in an instant everything seemed silent and still.   Every bit of the effort and strain had disappeared and in its place was pure joy and  strong feelings of accomplishment.   A “cocktail” of love hormones were surging through my body as I took in the smell and sight of this sweet new gift.   A thanksgiving to God swept over me for blessing us with a healthy baby and a beautiful birth.   It was a heavenly moment, delivered straight from the Father above.

Allison, Paul and baby Jude Wallace BrunettWe were blessed to have shared this euphoric moment together before the doctor stormed onto the scene. He seemed to have a most unpleasant disposition and we were informed that he had to stay on past his shift and was a bit "cranky".  With no introduction, and very little to say, he quickly cut the umbilical cord, while proceeding to tightly wrap it around his hand.  He continued to wrap it further until there was literally no slack, as he waited impatiently at the foot of the hospital bed for the placenta to pass. This was quite painful.   He then said it was necessary to stitch up my many small tears and intravenously administered a strong narcotic for pain relief.   This drug tried very hard to make me sleep and succeeded in erasing some of my most precious memories.   I was grateful to have Deb there to keep me awake to nurse Jude for the first time.   Thankfully we have pictures to replace what my mind cannot retrieve due to the toll the drug took on my memory.

Deb never left our sides.   She settled us into our room and helped me wash off and get into bed.   She kissed us goodbye and was back in the morning .

The continuation of our stay in the hospital was disappointing. We were clearly a disruption to the system.   The staff was very uncomfortable with our decision to not immediately bathe our baby.  There were nursing students coming in periodically to examine the tears on my bottom.   We were constantly being advised to give Jude formula (when he was nursing well).   They scolded me for sleeping with him.  I know this is their job, and also part of their learned behavior, but needless to say I was thrilled to return home.   I could rest in a place that I had the freedom to mother from my heart and was released from such an impersonal and disapproving atmosphere.

During this time, I felt a fire had been lit inside of me.   I had experienced labor and delivery and wanted to learn more!   God gave me a desire to share and keep sharing His design for women and their babies.   From the formation of each precious life to the miracle of birth, prenatal care, infant care, acquiring healthy eating habits, breastfeeding, the importance of support and encouragement from Christian women, and most importantly the absolute need for His presence in and among us!

The idea of becoming a childbirth educator and a midwife was born in me!   I have had the reputation in the past of being a romantic and a dreamer, but this, this was entirely a different matter.   I began to give all of my ideas to the Lord.   I was amazed how he affirmed this passion inside me.   I listened and waited while I watched Him put the pieces of the puzzle together as to who, what, where, and when this would happen.  Nothing I have ever pursued seemed so fluent and felt this right.   When he lead me to Charis, that’s when I knew that my journey was about to begin!

I have asked myself whether or not including my “birth story” is relevant to this essay.   The answer is yes!   As I have searched my heart for what has inspired me to be here today, I have found that my personal birth experience has impacted my life in a tremendous way (as I’m sure it would for most women).   All women remember the births of their children.   A memory, pleasant or not, stays with them for the rest of their lives.   I strongly believe that these memories will significantly impact how they bond with their children, their confidence as a mother, and also how they will lead their lives as women.

I came out of my laboring experience feeling a strong sense of achievement, self-worth, and confidence.   I felt after having a baby that there was nothing more difficult or more satisfying.  I could handle anything that came my way.

When I tell the story of the day my son was born, I too have the same gleam of wonder and astonishment.   I am not only recalling memories but I am radiating proof of God’s love, his created design to naturally bear his children, and his promise to strengthen and calm our spirits. Sure, I had a small taste of what it feels like to be a consumer of the obstetric system in America and for that I am also grateful.   Without it;  I would not be able to relate, inform, and encourage other women.

In my heart … I believe … that every person under God has been blessed with gifts or “talents”.   It is pleasing to Him when we use these blessings to serve others, and through serving … glorify His name! I believe God has blessed me with a warm touch, compassion, gentleness, humility, intuition, patience, loyalty, the ability to comfort, and a servant’s heart.   I wish to promote physical and spiritual well being among women.   Showing these women the way to faith based births versus fear based births is my mission.   My hope for the future is that I am able to reach out to the wounded hearts, the starved spirits, the neglected, the poor and the abused across the globe.   I want to facilitate a new and confident trust in the Lord and in what he designed for our lives.   Especially in the way of child-bearing and mothering.

I feel so honored to be given the opportunity, by Him, to answer a calling that has spoken to my heart.   I am very thankful to begin this journey with a family here at Charis that nurtures me intellectually as well as spiritually.   I will be a warrior that fights against medical based birth trends and stands for the promotion of safe and natural births, providing expert care to woman and their families while emphasizing the importance of a relationship with Christ our Lord!

Allison, Paul and Jude Brunett

We are still living in Lynchburg Virginia.  Together we enjoy taking spontaneous drives to the mountains, music appreciation, reading, photography, and going for bike rides.  My husband uses his music as a form of ministry and is currently working on his third album.   Our son is two and a half and is a ray of sunshine.   He, too, loves music. His hobbies are going for walks on the trails around the lake, feeding the geese, playing at the park, doing puzzles, hide and seek, finger painting, and believe it or not… he loves running the vacuum!


I enjoy knitting, watching foreign films, reading, baking, and I love swing and salsa dancing.   One day I hope to have some land for a small farm and garden; raising chickens, goats, and sheep … and (having more babies of course, God willing)!   But right now I am loving learning more and more about childbirth!   I remain in faith, trusting what God has in store for the future.   I am thrilled to be on such a fulfilling path and to have the opportunity to serve Him while serving women, babies, and their families.

With Love, Allison

Allison makes baby slings, if you're interested in one, e-mail her:  Allison

Paul Brunett modeling the sling


Our Friends ~ Our Family
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'Behold, I will bring them from the north country, And gather them from the ends of the earth,
 Among  them the blind and the lame, The woman with child and The one who labors with child,  together,
 A great throng shall return there...And My people shall be satisfied with My goodness, says the LORD.'
 Jeremiah 31:8, 14
©2009 Charis Childbirth Services, All Rights Reserved
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February 2010